Personal cleanliness:- Cleanliness is very necessary for good health. So we must keep our body neat and clean. We must wash our hands before and after every meal. We must wash our hands and legs before going to bed. We wash our hands and legs with soap. We must cut our fingernails. We should cut them once a week with a nail-cutter. We should not bite nails with teeth. We should not cut them with sharp knife.
Our mouth and teeth:- Mouth is an important organ of our body. We chew food in our mouth. The mouth contains teeth, a tongue and a vocal chord. We must brush our teeth
daily. We should use good toothpaste. We should brush our teeth with a toothbrush. We must brush our teeth in the morning and also before going to bed.
Our face and eyes:= We must keep our face clean and bright. We should wash our face with soap and water. We dry it with a clean towel No one likes to see a dirty face. We see with our eyes. We must keep our eyes clean. We should wash our eyes with cold water and dry them with a clean towel. We should get our eyes tested immediately, if we feel difficulty in reading and writing. We should not read and in dim light.
Our nose and ears:- We must keep our nose clean. We smell and breathe through our nose. We must use a clean handkerchief to blow our nose. We should not clean our nose with a finger. We hear with our ears. We must keep our ears clean. We should not put match sticks, pins etc. into our ears. It can damage our ears.
Our clothes:- We need clothes to cover our body. Clothes protect our body from heat and cold. We wear different types of clothes in different seasons. We must wear clean clothes. Clean clothes make us feel fresh. We should change our clothes regularly. We must wear our own clothes.
Our body and hair:- We must keep our body neat and clean. So we should take a bath every day. It keeps our skin clean and healthy. We should use soap and clean water to wash our body. We should wipe our body with a clean towel. We must change our vests and under wears after taking a bath. We must wash our hair to keep it clean. We should apply a little oil in it and comb it daily.
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