Family is a first school of the human being. Any kin of education learn in family. Without family no one live alone. Family education is the great education of life. Because a man born in a family first of all. He grows in a family. He learns every education from his father, mother, brother, sister, grand father and grand mother. A man obtains the great knowledge from joint family of three generation. A man learn good behave and discipline from the joint family of three generation, old man and old woman like grand father and grand mother have so many practical knowledge of life. They teach middle generation their son and daughter-in-law. They are father and mother of new or 3rdrd generation. Because the grand father and the grand mother had passed long life, in that period they learn so many practical education, theory education and behaves. Same, they say and teach their new generation. What to do in life, what is good and what is bad. Then man goes to school and college to take education. The school, college and university education is secondary education.
Where there is joint family including three generation, parents must recognize their children’s character from their early childhood. If they do so, the parents will not be surprised when their children go through a rebellious phase. When problems of children comes, parents can easily detect when something unusual is happening by observing even small signs in the children’s mannerism and the tone of their voices.
If the children were to obey everything the parents said, they would become automations. In the end, such children would not succeed in society. The parents want to succeed their children into their idealized images is self-serving. The reality of works will not turn out exactly as parents wish. Parents should not look at their children only from negative viewpoints, should maintain their objectivity. No matter how much the parents think and pouring upon their children, what is most important that how the children are actually feeling. The parents’ satisfaction does not often match their children’s satisfaction. The parents should see the gap between them and their children, sooner or later their children think subjective and positive. So, by this type, human should know about the family education.
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